Home Asset Import

Set Custodian from Asset Import

Ben_HoltBen_Holt Customer IT Monkey ✭
Is it possible to set the Custodian field from a CSV file asset import? I've got an automated CSV file generated from our MDM system that contains the information about our cell phones and tablets, but I can't seem to figure out how to import the custodian when trying to map the fields with the import connector.



  • Roland_KindRoland_Kind Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Hi Ben, 

    I am not familiar with the Asset Import Connector - but using the Default SCSM Method it is just a matter of the appropriate type projection (e.g. for Windows Computer)

    ProjectionType: Microsoft.Windows.Computer.ProjectionType
    ProjectionSeed: Microsoft.Windows.Computer
       Alias                          TargetType                                                             TargetEndPoint
       -----                          ----------                                                             ---------------
       PhysicalComputer               Microsoft.SystemCenter.ConfigurationManager.DeployedComputer    DeployedComputer
       OperatingSystem                Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem                                      OperatingSystem
       NetworkAdapter                 Microsoft.Windows.Peripheral.NetworkAdapter                            LogicalDevice
       Processor                      Microsoft.Windows.Peripheral.Processor                                 LogicalDevice
       PhysicalDisk                   Microsoft.Windows.Peripheral.PhysicalDisk                              LogicalDevice
       LogicalDisk                    Microsoft.Windows.Peripheral.LogicalDisk                               LogicalDevice
       PrimaryUser                    System.User                                                            UsedBy
       Custodian                      System.User                                                            OwnedBy
       ImpactedWorkItem               System.WorkItem                                                        RelatesToWorkItem
       RelatedWorkItem                System.WorkItem                                                        IsAboutConfigItems
       FileAttachment                 System.FileAttachment                                                  FileAttachment
       RelatedConfigItem              System.ConfigItem                                                      TargetConfigItem
       RelatedConfigItemSource        System.ConfigItem                                                      SourceConfigItem
       RelatedKnowledgeArticles       System.Knowledge.Article                                               KnowledgeDocument

    and using an according XML template like this one:

          <Projection Type="Microsoft.Windows.Computer.ProjectionType">
              <Class Type="Microsoft.Windows.Server.Computer">           
                <Property ID="PrincipalName"/>
                <Property ID="PhysicalProcessors"/>
                <Property ID="LogicalProcessors"/>           
                <Property ID="IsVirtualMachine"/>          
                <Property ID="ActiveDirectoryObjectSid"/>            
                <Property ID="LastInventoryDate"/>           
            <Component Alias="PhysicalComputer">
                <Class Type="Microsoft.SystemCenter.ConfigurationManager.DeployedComputer">  
                <Property ID="HardwareId"/> 
                <Property ID="Manufacturer"/>
                <Property ID="DisplayName"/> 
                <Property ID="NumberOfProcessors"/>
            <Component Alias="OperatingSystem">
                <Class Type="Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem">
                  <Property ID="OSVersionDisplayName"/>      
                  <Property ID="LogicalProcessors"/>                                               
            <Component Alias="Processor">
            <Class Type="Microsoft.Windows.Peripheral.Processor">
              <Property ID="Name"/>                 
              <Property ID="DeviceID"/>
              <Property ID="DisplayName"/>        
              <Property ID="Speed"/>         

    maybe this helps you - as you can see, the custodian is a member of the type projection :-)


  • damon_mulligandamon_mulligan Cireson Consultant Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Are you attempting to add the Custodian to the Cireson Hardware Asset or a Windows Computer? Can you give an example of the format of your CSV file (column headers)? Asset Import can easily provide this functionality.
  • Ben_HoltBen_Holt Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Hi Damon

    I ended up figuring out how to set the custodian when using the Cireson "Asset Management Import Connector" on the Cireson Hardware Asset objects. I chose the "Target Class" of "Hardware Asset (Cireson Asset Management," along with a Combination Class of "Cireson Hardware Asset (Full) (Cireson Asset Management)." After making that selection, it exposed the necessary fields in the "Data Mappings" section, so that I could map my custodian to the "Owned By User" field.

  • damon_mulligandamon_mulligan Cireson Consultant Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Good to hear. Glad it worked out for you.
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