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Alex_Marsh Premier Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭I've cracked it, the script needs to be set to this in order to work correctly:
$(window).load(function() { if(document.URL.indexOf("ServiceCatalog/RequestOffering") > -1){ $('input[data-control="dateTimePicker"]').data('kendoDateTimePicker').timeView.options.interval = 15; }});
Modifying these kendo controls is a bit of a faff!
I'm currently using a stock standard version of 8.1.1 and I have constraints the same as you do. It looks like this:
I have it constrained on the other side as well (after 90 days) and it only shows between today's date and January
Is this not what you are seeing?
Nope, it's presenting all days
Then showing this message, despite the dates being constrained
I think it's to do with this bit of code which sets the interval for the time to 15 minutes as when I disable this it functions correctly.
Though I'm confused why setting an option on the interval would do this
Modifying these kendo controls is a bit of a faff!