how to automatically set "assigned user"-field to user who closed workitem, if field is empty?
Hi guys
We are pretty new to Orchestrator but we already love it.
We often have situations where somebody closes a workitem but don't assign it to itself (a lot of BMC Remedy users).
So the workitem is closed but the "assigned user"- field is still empty what is not nice.
How can we achieve that by using Orchestrator runbooks?
I guess it's something like setting a trigger to "closing a workitem" or similar and update the assigned user field with the person who closed it, right?
Thanks and best regards
Best Answer
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭You're entirely correct in your "how to" assumption.
There are two runbook methods you could use to acheive this:- You could have an always running/monitor style runbook listening for Updates when an item moves to Closed (SEE: Monitor Object activity)
- You can create an RB that is attached to all of your templates in SCSM (this runbook will most likely begin with an Initialize Data activity so you can pass parameters from SCSM into SCO)
The difference here is you have an always running runbook in SCO or the runbook is triggered on demand on specific templates. Neither is wrong or preferred, it's going to be what suits your internal process best.6
There are two runbook methods you could use to acheive this:
The difference here is you have an always running runbook in SCO or the runbook is triggered on demand on specific templates. Neither is wrong or preferred, it's going to be what suits your internal process best.
For everyone who's interested, here's a PS Script what does the same for SRs: