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I have noticed on the Request Offerings that all of the offerings are available to end users.

Lou_GuardiaLou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭

We have found an issue with the Cireson portal in that all of the Request Offerings are available to end users even though they cannot use them. So users are selecting one and when they hit submit it just spins forever and never submits because they do no have permissions. This seems is not a good design, if the Request is visible then they should be able to use it otherwise it should not be visible. I could give the user permissions to the form but we do not want end users using this fo rm only support staff, and we could make the form only available in the +New  section but we are asking specific question in the form and if we use that the question would not be there so that is not a good option. Any thoughts, has anyone else come across this issue?



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    Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Hi Lou,

    Request Offerings create the IR/SR using a template, so it would be worth checking that your users have access to the template(s) used in the Request Offering(s). I typically just give all End Users access to all templates, as they do not have any other way of interacting with them; however, you could get more granular if you wanted.

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    Lou_GuardiaLou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭
    I do not want them to see certain ones though and this only works in the Service Manager Console. I would think that this would be carried over to the Cireson Console as well and it does not.
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    Lou_GuardiaLou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭

    When you say we could get more granular, what are you referring to?


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    Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    The templates selected in the User Role pictured above do affect the Cireson Portal as well. You will need to restart the CacheBuilder, Recycle the App Pool, and log out/in after making these changes.

    When I say "more granular," I am referring to un-checking the "All forms can be accessed" box and checking the "provide access only to select forms" box, then selecting specific forms.
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    Lou_GuardiaLou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Nicholas thanks for your feedback. I am aware of the templates being restricted but I want to also restrict the request offerings.
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    Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    You can also restrict Request Offerings by creating Catalog Item groups
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    Karen_Bruster1Karen_Bruster1 Member IT Monkey ✭
    You can control the Request Offerings by creating Groups and including or excluding the offerings there under each group. Then you create Role or use an existing one and selecting the Catalog items (group) that they can see. That is how I have mine set so End-User's cannot see IT RO's
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    Lou_GuardiaLou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Thank you Nicholas and Karen I will try that.
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    Tom_HendricksTom_Hendricks Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017
    It should be noted along with the good advice above that more groups and more scoping will contribute to performance issues, so I recommend using them efficiently. 

    Scoping of templates (which we must do to a significant degree) also degrades performance.  Just be aware that Service Manager does not handle this as well as you might expect and prepare to scale accordingly.
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