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Filter to reduce shown CI´s

Suleyman_OzdenSuleyman_Ozden Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

I am getting negative feedback on the amount of "Configuration Item" class that is being listed when you search in the affected/related CI list.

Its a minor request but ideally it would be nice if we could have a filter that showed the same as in the "Configuration Item" class filter, but with the exception of user CI´s.

7 votes

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    Roland_KindRoland_Kind Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017

    If you are willing to change the original cireson code base the following might help you: 

    adjustments are made in the "\Scripts\forms\predefined\affectedItems.js" file (or relateditems.js)

    configItemDataSource: new kendo.data.DataSource({
                        serverFiltering: true,
                        transport: {
                            read: {
                                url: function (data) {
                                    var configItem = (data.filter.filters.length > 0) ? data.filter.filters[0].value : "aa%";  // filter should be set because it took some time to load 1000 of items - this is no limitation because if you type some characters in the drop down list, the filter be be adjusted ;-)

                                    // return "/api/V3/Config/GetAffectedItemsList?itemFilter=" + configItem;  //original call
                                   return "/api/V3/Config/GetConfigItemsByAbstractClass?userId="+ session.user.Id + "&isUserScoped=false&searchFilter=" + configItem + "&objectClassId=7ad221e0-e4bb-39a8-6514-33b60bba46f5";   // with this line you can use abstract classes,too e.g. "system.device" which can also be used to limit the amount of ci's what are shown
                                dataType: "json"


    if you want to limit the search results in the "search" box (same file as above):

    searchConfigItem: function () {
                        var popupWindow = objectPickerPopup.getPopup("7ad221e0-e4bb-39a8-6514-33b60bba46f5", "DisplayName,Path,Status", null, null, true); // guid for system.device 
                        popupWindow.setSaveCallback(function (object) {


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    Suleyman_OzdenSuleyman_Ozden Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    Hi Roland. Thank you!

     I am not a fan of changing the original code. Could this be used in custom.js instead?

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    Brian_WiestBrian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Suleyman_OzdenSuleyman_Ozden Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Right, seem to address the same. I will close this request. Just want to give Roland a chance to get back on my question.
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    Roland_KindRoland_Kind Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭


    yes it seems to be possible ;) (quick test on 8.2 Portal only)

    if you clone the whole "controller" (e.g. copy the affectedItems folder to a new folder in the SAME parent directory (/scripts/forms/predefined ...)), modify the js file, and then add the following to your custom.js

     $(document).ready(function ()
      require(["/Scripts/forms/predefined/yourcontrollerfolder/yourcontrollerscript.js"], function (controllerfunction) {


    to use the new controllerfunction - you have to adopt the incident.js or servicerequest.js (json templates for workitems)  which could be copied to the customspace folder (!)) and replace the following line with your "Controller"

                                name: "AffectedConfigurationItems",
                                type: "youraffectedItemsController"

    as said before, this was just just quick tested on 2016 version of the portal with IE in a dev environment



    with this approach you can define even a different layout of the Controller in the html file (add further drop down menus etc)

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    Martin_StrbavyMartin_Strbavy Member IT Monkey ✭
    I was searching for something like this. And you helped me a lot, but is it possible to return multiple independent classes? For example, I am trying to filter it just for: Cireson.AssetManagement.HardwareAsset, Cireson.AssetManagement.SoftwareAsset and class which holds Databases (imported from SCOM).

    I am able to customize script to filter only one class  :/ 

    So if someone is able to help, I will really appreciate it.

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