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Unpublication requestOffering for workitem

Roman_NepomniashchiiRoman_Nepomniashchii Customer IT Monkey ✭
I want to know how I can check the publication of the requestOffering that was used to create the workitem when changing the publication in the requestOffering. This property i want to use in ServiceManagement

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    Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
    Hi @Roman_Nepomniashchii

    I'm not sure I fully understand. Can you please try explaining what you need in more detail?

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    Roman_NepomniashchiiRoman_Nepomniashchii Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Hi @Roman_Nepomniashchii

    I'm not sure I fully understand. Can you please try explaining what you need in more detail?

    I get data from table (ServiceManagement.dbo.WorkItem). I count workitems for requests. How ofen we used requests.  I want the counter to ignore workitems if of their requests non-public .
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    Roman_NepomniashchiiRoman_Nepomniashchii Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Hi @Roman_Nepomniashchii

    I'm not sure I fully understand. Can you please try explaining what you need in more detail?

    I received task to count the number of uses for specific Requests Offering and  than display 5 most commonly used Requests Offerings. 
    Is it possible not to count (ignore) unpublished Requests Offerings while creating query from table
    In other words, is it possible to add status published/unpublished to this table.
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    Roman_NepomniashchiiRoman_Nepomniashchii Customer IT Monkey ✭

    You would have to join the Work Item table to the Relationship table where the relationship Is is that of the WorkItem to RequestOffering Relationship, then join again to the Request Offering table to show the published status.

    Hope that helps, let us know if you need more help and I'm sure someone can put something together.

    How can i join [ServiceManagement].[dbo].[RequestOffering] to [ServiceManagement].[dbo].[WorkItem]
    What is the name of the Relationship table?
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    Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
    You will need to use the relationship table in ServiceManager database as that relationship is not cached into the ServiceManagement table.
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