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Customize oData table headers

Marc-Andre_LafleurMarc-Andre_Lafleur Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
Is it possible to change the oData table headers using the Advanced Customization (Custom Desktop Template)?

For example, my Business Services table looks like this:

I would like to rename it to something like "Owner" instead. I am under the impression that this could be done using the custom template but I didn't manage to do it. 
<tr data-uid="#: uid #"> 
	<td>#= (DisplayName) ? DisplayName : '' #</td> 
	<td>#= (OwnedByOrganization) ? OwnedByOrganization : '' #</td> 
	<td>#= (Priority) ? Priority : '' #</td> 
	<td>#= (Classification) ? Classification : '' #</td> 
	<td>#= (ObjectStatus) ? ObjectStatus : '' #</td> 
	<td>#= (OwnedByXSystem_ConfigItemOwnedByUser_DisplayName) ? OwnedByXSystem_ConfigItemOwnedByUser_DisplayName : '' #</td> 
Any suggestions?

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