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Building reports - All WI by Support Group

Emma_JenkinsEmma_Jenkins Customer IT Monkey ✭

I tried to produce this information by a simple saved search, however the columns are limited. I need the report to include resolution/results and the date it was completed. Can I do this with some SQL in the Analytics section. I had such report written in SQL Server Report Builder on our original Service Manager install but cannot seem to match the tables/views in our new database.

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    Shane_WhiteShane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try this, it is probably not the best thing to do but it works! Because it is a UNION you have to have the same column names thats why I named the SR ResolutionDescription.

    SELECT WorkItemId AS Id, Title, Status, PriorityId AS 'Priority', 
    AssignedUser, AffectedUser, Category, Tier, ResolvedDate, 
    ResolutionDescription, LastModified
    FROM dbo.SM_WorkItem_Incident AS wiIR
    WHERE Tier like '%Tier 1%'

    SELECT WorkItemId AS Id, Title, Status, Priority AS 'Priority', 
    AssignedUser, AffectedUser, Category, Tier, CompletedDate AS 'ResolvedDate', 
    SCSM.Notes_F647D4C9_9543_73C4_79D0_FCB06C288B5D AS 'ResolutionDescription', LastModified
    FROM [CiresonAnalytics].[dbo].[SM_WorkItem_ServiceRequest] AS wiSR
    LEFT JOIN [ServiceManager].[dbo].[MT_System$WorkItem$ServiceRequest] AS SCSM
    ON wiSR.Id = SCSM.BaseManagedEntityId
    WHERE Tier like '%Tier 1%'



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    Gerhard_GoossensGerhard_Goossens Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019

    select wi.WorkItemId, FORMAT((DATEADD(hour,2,wi.Created)), 'dd-MM-yyy hh:mm') as Created,FORMAT((DATEADD(hour,2,wi.CompletedDate)), 'dd-MM-yyy hh:mm') as Completed, FORMAT((DATEADD(hour,2,wi.ResolvedDate)), 'dd-MM-yyy hh:mm') as Resolved, wi.AssignedUser, wi.AffectedUser, dsclassification.DisplayString AS Classification, wi.ResolutionDescription
    from WorkItem wi
    LEFT JOIN [Enumeration] enum ON enum.EnumerationID = wi.TierId 
    LEFT JOIN [DisplayString] dssupport ON dssupport.ElementID=enum.EnumerationID
    LEFT JOIN [Enumeration] enumclass ON enumclass.EnumerationID = wi.CategoryId
    LEFT JOIN [DisplayString] dsclassification ON dsclassification.ElementID=enumclass.EnumerationID
    (DATEDIFF(dd, ResolvedDate, GETDATE()) = 0 OR DATEDIFF(dd, CompletedDate, GETDATE()) = 0)
    AND wi.StatusId IN('2b8830b6-59f0-f574-9c2a-f4b4682f1681', 'B026FDFD-89BD-490B-E1FD-A599C78D440F') 
    AND dssupport.DisplayString in ('{{SuppGroup}}')

    This is for everything resolved today for a specific support group from the ServiceManagement DB
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    Emma_JenkinsEmma_Jenkins Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Thanks I will give this a try!
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    Shane_WhiteShane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    Hi @Emma_Jenkins

    Have you tried using the Cireson Analytics DB? Using Incidents for an example you can do a lot of this without all of the joins:

    SELECT WorkItemId AS Id, Title, Status, PriorityId, 
    AssignedUser, AffectedUser, Category, Tier, ResolvedDate, 
    ResolutionDescription, LastModified
    FROM dbo.SM_WorkItem_Incident

    Of course you can add bits to this to be more specific but this is a basic example, I would be happy to build something out more specific to what you are after if you let me know :smile:  You could also add other work items onto this using a little fiddling with UNIONs

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    Emma_JenkinsEmma_Jenkins Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Hi @Emma_Jenkins

    Have you tried using the Cireson Analytics DB? Using Incidents for an example you can do a lot of this without all of the joins:

    SELECT WorkItemId AS Id, Title, Status, PriorityId, 
    AssignedUser, AffectedUser, Category, Tier, ResolvedDate, 
    ResolutionDescription, LastModified
    FROM dbo.SM_WorkItem_Incident

    Of course you can add bits to this to be more specific but this is a basic example, I would be happy to build something out more specific to what you are after if you let me know :smile:  You could also add other work items onto this using a little fiddling with UNIONs

    That looks almost perfect! I just need it to include Service Requests too and target a particular support group. Is that possible? Thank you!
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    Shane_WhiteShane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    How is this? Bear in mind you just need to change the name of the Tier for whatever your Support Groups are called ('%support group%')

    SELECT WorkItemId AS Id, Title, Status, PriorityId AS 'Priority', 
    AssignedUser, AffectedUser, Category, Tier, ResolvedDate, 
    ResolutionDescription, LastModified
    FROM dbo.SM_WorkItem_Incident AS wiIR
    WHERE Tier like '%Tier 1%'

    SELECT WorkItemId AS Id, Title, Status, Priority AS 'Priority', 
    AssignedUser, AffectedUser, Category, Tier, CompletedDate AS 'ResolvedDate', 
    ResolutionDescription, LastModified
    FROM dbo.SM_WorkItem_ServiceRequest AS wiSR
    WHERE Tier like '%Tier 1%'

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    Emma_JenkinsEmma_Jenkins Customer IT Monkey ✭
    @Shane_White All that is missing now is the Implementation Notes from an SR and I cannot see this in the Analytics tables?
    I have noticed Resolution Description is a shared column in both tables but when I run the report this is empty on SRs so not sure if and where that information would come from? 

    Really appreciate your help!
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    Shane_WhiteShane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    Leave this with me! The SR Implementation Notes as stored in the Service Manager DB but not pulled through into Cireson DBs so will try find away around this!

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    Shane_WhiteShane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try this, it is probably not the best thing to do but it works! Because it is a UNION you have to have the same column names thats why I named the SR ResolutionDescription.

    SELECT WorkItemId AS Id, Title, Status, PriorityId AS 'Priority', 
    AssignedUser, AffectedUser, Category, Tier, ResolvedDate, 
    ResolutionDescription, LastModified
    FROM dbo.SM_WorkItem_Incident AS wiIR
    WHERE Tier like '%Tier 1%'

    SELECT WorkItemId AS Id, Title, Status, Priority AS 'Priority', 
    AssignedUser, AffectedUser, Category, Tier, CompletedDate AS 'ResolvedDate', 
    SCSM.Notes_F647D4C9_9543_73C4_79D0_FCB06C288B5D AS 'ResolutionDescription', LastModified
    FROM [CiresonAnalytics].[dbo].[SM_WorkItem_ServiceRequest] AS wiSR
    LEFT JOIN [ServiceManager].[dbo].[MT_System$WorkItem$ServiceRequest] AS SCSM
    ON wiSR.Id = SCSM.BaseManagedEntityId
    WHERE Tier like '%Tier 1%'

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    Emma_JenkinsEmma_Jenkins Customer IT Monkey ✭
    That second script has given me exactly what I need. Thank you for your help, information you have provided  has also given me a good basis for similar reports :smile:
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