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Get Last Modified date for PowerBI report from SQL

Chris_SpragueChris_Sprague Customer IT Monkey ✭

I am trying to get the last modified date from the database for reports in PowerBI to be used for request management as well as management level reports. I attempted to use the last modified date from here: http://www.techguy.at/system-center-service-managersql-query-to-get-a-full-list-of-your-incidents/, however, it was not giving me the latest time a comment was added to the request. I think searched through the relationships in the ServiceManager Database and come up with the SQL below. While it gives me the correct date in most cases, there still seems to be some NULL entries. Can someone point out what I am missing?

If needed, I can upload again after I have added comments to the SQL.


Chris Sprague

SCCM/SCSM administrator

City of Richmond


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    Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    Hi Chris,

    I think you're very close here, and just a couple tables need adjustment. Currently, the table "MT_System$WorkItem$TroubleTicket$ActionLog_Log" is being used, but this table contains quite a bit more than user comments. For example, system messages about review activity voting are stored in this table (and shown in the action log).

    Instead of the above table, take a look at the "MT_System$WorkItem$TroubleTicket$UserCommentLog" and "MT_System$WorkItem$TroubleTicket$AnalystCommentLog" tables. These tables store User Comments and Analyst Comments respectively (these are different classes behind-the-scenes!).

    For example:

    Here we have an Incident with a comment of each type:

    Here is how the analyst comment appears SQL-side:

    Here is how the user comment appears SQL-side:

    Also, if some values are coming over as NULL, make sure you have a case statement to handle work items that do not yet have a user comment.

    Hope this helps!



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    Chris_SpragueChris_Sprague Customer IT Monkey ✭

    I had tried using the user and analyst comment log, but I could not get that to have the correct date, no matter what I attempted. I was using the relationship id below.

    System.WorkItem.TroubleTicketHasAnalystComment 835a64cd-7d41-10eb-e5e4-365ea2efc2ea AnalystComment AppliesToTroubleTicket

    For the Case statement, I was using the MAX function, which I think should return the latest date. I really do not know SQL and was following the example, looking at other relationships and attempting to follow the code as a template. Is the relationship above the right one? I was using the table MT_System$WorkItem$TroubleTicket$AnalystCommentLog_Log and that relationship in place of the action log,  dbo.MT_System$WorkItem$TroubleTicket$ActionLog_Log :


    --Look at all, return the latest

     MAX(LastModified) AS Expr1



    --check SR change log



                                                                , inc.BaseManagedEntityId

                                                                , ecl.LastModified



                                                                 INNER JOIN

                                                                         MT_System$WorkItem$ServiceRequest AS INC


                                                                                 INC.BaseManagedEntityId = dbo.MT_System$WorkItem$ServiceRequest_Log.BaseManagedEntityId

                                                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN

                                                                         dbo.EntityChangeLog AS ecl


                                                                                 ecl.EntityChangeLogId = MT_System$WorkItem$ServiceRequest_Log.EntityChangeLogId


     --Check SLA instance (in the original, not sure if needed)



                                                                , inc.BaseManagedEntityId

                                                                , EntityChangeLog.LastModified


                                                                 dbo.MTV_System$WorkItem$ServiceRequest AS inc

                                                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN

                                                                         dbo.Relationship AS rel


                                                                                 rel.SourceEntityId = inc.BaseManagedEntityId

                                                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN

                                                                         dbo.MT_System$SLA$Instance$TimeInformation_Log AS SLALog


                                                                                 SLALog.BaseManagedEntityId = rel.TargetEntityId


                                                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN



                                                                                 SLALog.EntityChangeLogId = EntityChangeLog.EntityChangeLogId



                                                                         rel.RelationshipTypeId = 'BA08F9BB-85C7-20D8-05E3-0035938CDDD5'



     --Check Action log



                                                                , inc.BaseManagedEntityId

                                                                , EntityChangeLog.LastModified


                                                                 dbo.MTV_System$WorkItem$ServiceRequest AS inc

                                                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN

                                                                         dbo.Relationship AS rel


                                                                                 rel.SourceEntityId = inc.BaseManagedEntityId

                                                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN

                                                                         dbo.MT_System$WorkItem$TroubleTicket$ActionLog_Log AS TroubleTicketLALog


                                                                                 TroubleTicketLALog.BaseManagedEntityId = rel.TargetEntityId


                                                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN



                                                                                 TroubleTicketLALog.EntityChangeLogId = EntityChangeLog.EntityChangeLogId



                                                                         rel.RelationshipTypeId = 'a860c62e-e675-b121-f614-e52fcbd9ef2c'



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    Chris_SpragueChris_Sprague Customer IT Monkey ✭

    I figured it out: relationship must be  rel.RelationshipTypeId = '79d27435-5917-b0a1-7911-fb2b678f32a6'


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    Chris_SpragueChris_Sprague Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Final Scripts, if anyone else is doing PowerBI custom reports. This is for live, SQL, not DW.

    These are made to be joined together and give you combined IR/SR/MA reports.

    Combined as table WorkItems

    Calculated Column for last modified

    #if there is no lastmodified, then set to end date, if no end date, set to opendate.

    Last Modified = if(WorkItems[LastModified],WorkItems[LastModified],if(WorkItems[End Date],WorkItems[End Date], WorkItems[Open Date]))

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