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I need a way to search Action Log or History, is there any way to do this?

Jason_MeyerJason_Meyer Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

I need a way to search Action Log or History, is there any way to do this?


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    Justin_WorkmanJustin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can search for comments using global search or comment search. Searching history is a little more tricky. What exactly are you trying to search for?

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    Jason_MeyerJason_Meyer Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    I need to find a way to report on how many requests my staff have worked on but did not create and are not currently assigned the request.

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    Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2020


    I threw together a quick script that gets all Incidents (I am not entirely comfortable with the lack of filtering here. Maybe filter on all Closed? Active? Almost anything would be better than a blanket all) then parses the History to figure out if the change made was made by someone who is not the Created By/Assigned To User. Finally, it shows the number of Incidents modified as seen in the form of "Total Incidents modified: X".

    This isn't perfect because the Assigned To could be blank, so just keep that in mind as you begin looking over results. Otherwise, apart from adding a filter of your choice is updating the $environment variable that way you should be able to do this all remotely.

    #declare variables/classes
    $environment = "mgmtServer"
    $irClass = get-scsmclass -name "system.workitem.incident$" -computername $environment
    $createdByUserRelClass = get-scsmrelationshipclass -name "System.WorkItemCreatedByUser$" -computername $environment
    $assignedUserRelClass = get-scsmrelationshipclass -name "System.WorkItemAssignedToUser$" -computername $environment
    #get incident objects
    $incidents = get-scsmobject -class $irClass -computername $environment
    #declare an empty value
    $modifiedIncidents = 0
    foreach ($incident in $incidents)
        #get the created/assigned users
        $createdUserRelObject = get-scsmrelationshipobject -bysource $incident -computername $environment | ?{($_.RelationshipId -eq $createdByUserRelClass.Id) -and ($_.SourceObject.Classname -eq "System.WorkItem.Incident")} | select targetobject -expandproperty targetobject
        $assignedUserRelObject = get-scsmrelationshipobject -bysource $incident -computername $environment | ?{($_.RelationshipId -eq $assignedUserRelClass.Id) -and ($_.SourceObject.Classname -eq "System.WorkItem.Incident")} | select targetobject -expandproperty targetobject
        $createdUser = try{get-scsmobject -id $createdUserRelObject.Id -computername $environment} catch{}
        $assigneduser = try{get-scsmobject -id $assignedUserRelObject.Id -computername $environment} catch{}
        $history = get-scsmobjecthistory -object $incident -computername $environment
        $history = $history.History
        #cycle through the history of the Incident
        foreach ($item in $history)
            #the Username on the history item takes the form of "DOMAIN\USER"
            if (($item.UserName -ne ($createdUser.Domain + "\" + $createdUser.UserName)) -and ($item.UserName -ne ($assigneduser.Domain + "\" + $assigneduser.UserName)))
                #someone modified the work item that wasn't the Created by User or the Assigned User
    Write-Output "Total Incidents modified: $modifiedIncidents"
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