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Search in the archive until it is available in Global Search

Simon_ZeinhoferSimon_Zeinhofer Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
edited February 2023 in Analyst Portal

As in the open floor last Friday the opportunity for searching for archived Incidents came up, I thought I share how we do it currently. Maybe someone finds it helpful. Prerequisite is the archiver is enabled and the Analytics jobs are running ofc ;)

That's how it looks like:

The first is a page filter widget, with a displaystring.

The second one is a query which points at the Analytics DB

	  ,[Tier] as SupportGroup
	  ,[AssignedUser] as AssignedTo
	  ,[zString05_EC28C544_D3C5_EAF5_FF18_ACB28F87BB6D] as 'OldIncident'

  FROM [CiresonAnalytics].[dbo].[SM_WorkItem_Incident]

  WHERE Created >= '2022-04-01 00:00:00'
  and (WorkItemId like '%{{searchFilter}}%'
  or Title like '%{{searchFilter}}%'
or AssignedUser like '%{{searchFilter}}%'
or zString05_EC28C544_D3C5_EAF5_FF18_ACB28F87BB6D like '%{{searchFilter}}%')

ofc it is possible to add other properties to the "or PROPERTY like '%{{searchFilter}}%' ".

What's also important is, that we defined a standard value for the searchFilter inside the SQL Query settings, which will for sure not exist inside the DB.

So when the page is opened, no results are loaded by default. The filter form the pagefilter widget then overwrites the SearchFilter and results are returned. When the page gets reloaded, the standard IR9999... is set again.

From the search results one may go inside the work item immediately.

That way we also integrated the data warehouse from our old deprecated system. We cannot open them, but at least non Admins are able to search for old incident descriptions and resolution categories in it.


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