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Create A Copy (ARO) Advanced Request Offering Task within SCSM Console

Jonathan_BolesJonathan_Boles Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
Requesting creation of a Copy (ARO) Advanced Request Offering Task within SCSM Console to make copying AROs easier. For those of us with hundreds of ROs (some of them almost identical), this would be insanely helpful.
19 votes

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    Adrian_SaloneAdrian_Salone Partner IT Monkey ✭

    Hey Jonathan, I have a feeling this function already exists out of the box with the SCSM console.  Seems to work with AROs also (at least it worked for me today...)

    It's a Request Offering console task.  Library / Service Catalog / Request Offerings / All Request Offerings

    Select the RO to copy.  There will be a task on the right hand side: Create a Copy

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    Chris_KeanderChris_Keander Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Yes, I can confirm that the Create a Copy already exists and works exactly how you're requesting it.
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    Adrian_SaloneAdrian_Salone Partner IT Monkey ✭
    Having said that - the 'Create a Copy' task doesn't give you the option of selecting an alternate management pack...so this feature request could fill that gap.
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    Jonathan_BolesJonathan_Boles Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Yes, looking to have the full capabilities of copying to another MP just like the OOB task for regular ROs.
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    Andre_TobersAndre_Tobers Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Yes, looking to have the full capabilities of copying to another MP just like the OOB task for regular ROs.
    Sorry beeing late but afaik the OOB task does not allow you to select another MP unless you select the option to create a copy of the template as well.

    If you create a copy of the template there shouldnt be an issue.
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