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self service portal request offering layout


I am using the alternate home page layout and i'm attempting to make the published request offerings float to the left of the previous request offering.  i'm doing this in a attempt to reclaim space since the portal seems to stack request offerings. I've narrowed down the items in the DOM but I cannot get them to float correctly.  Has anyone attempted to do this?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

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    seth_coussensseth_coussens Member Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Could you provide a mock up of what you are attempting? Maybe just a screenshot where you cut the pieces and put them where you are trying to get them in the portal?
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    Jarrett_FaulkJarrett_Faulk Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Sorry for the slow response. I caught a little cold there.  So in this screen shot the Security access requests are nice and neat in a line.  I'd like to be able to display the procurement requests in the same manner.  I've tried to float them but I cannot get them to move.
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    seth_coussensseth_coussens Member Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Sorry for the slow response. I caught a little cold there.  So in this screen shot the Security access requests are nice and neat in a line.  I'd like to be able to display the procurement requests in the same manner.  I've tried to float them but I cannot get them to move.
    Looks like the screenshot didn't attach?
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    Jarrett_FaulkJarrett_Faulk Customer IT Monkey ✭
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