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Can anyone provide an explanation of what actions in the portal will reset the session time out?

Gary_HerberGary_Herber Customer IT Monkey ✭
Can anyone provide an explanation of what actions in the portal will reset the session time out?

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    Katie_DyerKatie_Dyer Member Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Hi Gary - We have released a Session Timer feature in v7.0 of the Portal. There should be a pop-up appear on the screen when your session is about to expire and has expired. You have the ability to click the "Renew Session" button on that screen (when using Forms Based Authentications, users will be required to login again and in the case of Windows Authentication, the user will be re-authenticated and the page will be refreshed).

    Does this answer your question?

    Full details on the session timer can be found here: https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/1347#/

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    Katie_DyerKatie_Dyer Member Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    We also have the ability to adjust the timeout as well if interested. Please see this article for those details: https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/1094#/

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    Gary_HerberGary_Herber Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Actually my question pertains to what resets that session timeout in a user session. If the timeout is set to 60 minutes and at the 30 minute mark I do a save or apply the session timeout resets to 60 minutes again. What are the actions a user can take in the portal that resets the timer and which actions don't reset the session timeout? That is my question.
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