This is a really simple JS that's
heavily borrowed from Cireson's KA on the matter, but instead of taking you to a search engine...
I wanted Incidents to feature a "Google It" task that would pop a box, allow some input, and then do a Google search based on what was provided in said box. While you could get fancy and potentially pull the Title/Description - i found more times than not analysts are changing their search any way and business specific functions wouldn't make must sense in a Google search. The following JS hides Google It from End Users (because that probably wouldn't be received too well
) and places it on Incident forms for analysts.
I suppose if I took this to what I'd say is it's logical extreme you could privately comment the Action Log so the analyst would be able to reference their previous search criteria.
HTML file (googleIt.html) -
<div id="commentHTML" class="form-horiztontal">
<div class="col-group">
<div class="inline-spacing">
<label>What do you want to search?</label>
<div class="inline-spacing">
<textarea data-bind="value: comment, events: {keyup:textCounter}"
rows="7" ></textarea>
<div class="inline-spacing">
<span data-bind="html:charactersRemaining"></span>
<span>characters remaining</span>
<div class="window-buttons">
<button data-role="button"
class="btn btn-primary"
data-bind="enabled: okEnabled, events: { click: okClick }">
<button data-role="button"
class="btn btn-primary"
data-bind="events: { click: cancelClick }">
custom.js additions -//Hide "Google It" from End Users
app.custom.formTasks.add('Incident', null, function (formObj, viewModel) { formObj.boundReady(function ()
{ if (!session.user.Analyst) { $( ".taskmenu li:contains('Google It')" ).hide() } }); });
//"Google It" for Incidents
app.custom.formTasks.add('Incident', "Google It", function (formObj, viewModel) {
//use requirejs to load the template first
require(["text!/CustomSpace/googleIt.html"], function (template) {
//make a jQuery obj
cont = $(template);
//create a view model to handle the UX
var _vmWindow = new kendo.observable({
comment: "",
okEnabled: false,
charactersRemaining: "4000",
textCounter: function () {
var maximumLength = 4000;
var val = this.comment.length;
(val > maximumLength) ? this.comment.substring(0, maximumLength) : this.set("charactersRemaining", maximumLength - val);
(val > 0) ? this.set("okEnabled", true) : this.set("okEnabled", false);
googleIt: function () {
var searchQuery = this.get("comment");
var searchURL = googleURL.concat(searchQuery);
var newGoogleSearch =, '_blank');
okClick: function () {
cancelClick: function () {
//create the kendo window
customWindow = cont.kendoWindow({
title: "Google It",
resizable: false,
modal: true,
viewable: false,
width: 500,
height: 300,
close: function () { },
activate: function () {
//on window activate bind the view model to the loaded template content
kendo.bind(cont, _vmWindow);
//now open the window;