SCSM 2016 Errors for Cireson Console Apps
Hi All,
I have just upgraded our development SCSM environment (in-place) to 2016, the portal (6.0.3) works great, however, I am getting the error below when trying to open the settings on all of the Cireson console applications. (including the portal group mapping settings for v6.0.3 of the portal)
I have upgraded to the latest version of all the apps, but still get the same result.
I gather all of the Cireson console apps need to be recompiled with .Net 4.5?
Alternatively, is there something I can do to get these apps working, or do I just need to wait for a new (2016 compatible) version of console apps to be released?
If so, what is the ETA on this?
Alternatively, if there is an unreleased (recompiled) version which supports 2016, I am happy to be a tester, if this is any help to the Cireson team?
Reported Error:
Kind Regards,
Best Answer
shaun_ericson Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭Hello, yes @Adam_Dzyacky you are correct here and aiming to have everything released for 2016 compatibility early next week. Apologies for the confusion here.5
Truthfully, I'm responding because I wouldn't mind hearing how your in-place dev upgrade went. If your original post is any indicator it sounds as though it wasn't anything troublesome?
Appreciate the feedback.
looking forward to the updates
Hey Adam, yes the in place upgrade went smoothly. All my customisations worked fine. (Custom workflows which call custom written powershell scripts, form customisations etc.) Also the the portal seemed to behave ok, although I did notice that the dashboards seemed to report incorrect information.
as discussed above, all Cireson based customisations in the console stopped working, but this is to be expected, and looks like it will be resolved with the next update .
Just a minor one (for Cireson developers to note).
I have noticed in SCSM 2016 that request offerings drop off in the portal, and you have to restart the cachebuilder to ensure they come back. This happens every few hours.
it hasn't happened for a couple of days now. But I will keep an eye on it.