How do you display current contact details in Request Offerings like in the User Settings page?
I am wanting to display users current contact details as they are filling in a Request Offering form.
Just like they are displayed in the User Settings page.
Is this possible?
The current users information is already available as a javascript global variable in the 'session.user' variable
- Company:
- Domain:
- Email:
- EmployeeId:
- FirstName:
- Id:
- LanguageCode:
- LastName:
- Name:
- PrincipalName:
- Title:
- UserName:
But can't get other details that are on the User Settings page like- telephoneNumber:
- facsimileTelephoneNumber:
- streetAddress:
These seem to be under pageForm.jsonRaw that is only available on the User Settings page.Is there a way to get this information available on a separate page?
Or a way to get this information into session.user?
You need to use Cireson API if you cannot find what you need in the global session variable or pageForm/viewModel!
Userinfo with related workitems:
Only userinfo:
I have it all working now besides displaying who the users manager in AD is.
Is there a way to display the users manager in the forms?