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Advanced Request Offering - Set Text Box Sizes
We have overcome this with some custom .js, but it can be cumbersome and we thought it would be nice to have some sort of option in the advanced offering to set a default text box size. Even something as simple as small, medium, and large and then the text box sizing itself based on that selection. That way we don't need to make changes that affect all of our text boxes and we also don't need to create custom .js to affect specific text boxes.
Thank you!
Not sure if I understand you correct, but you can change size of the text box and numbers of carachters in the request offering.
Edit the request offering, go to configure promts, click Configure, then check mark the "Limit string length". If you change Maximun lenght to for example 4000, you get quite a big text box size.
What we ended up doing was keeping the limit high and then using JS to auto resize the box depending on the amount of text input. It would be GREAT if text boxes could resize by default or there was a setting in the advanced offering.