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ARO - Display when True/False Additional Options

Brian_WiestBrian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
When using the show when true/false from a field that is setup as a simple list. It would be next to choose more than one selection. 
IE your simple list has four options

Choosing either Network or Mobile will make the rule true to display the next required question.

11 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated

This is a duplicate of https://community.cireson.com/discussion/comment/15312 so we are closing this one out, as that one has been placed in the backlog for future inclusion in the roadmap


  • Stefan_AllanssonStefan_Allansson Customer IT Monkey ✭

    I had the same challange in my environment and I solved it by editing the management pack in XML.
    If you first create your ARO and configure your field to be "shown when true" equals Network.

    Then you open SCSM console and export your management pack and open the exported XML file in a text editor.

    To find the code you need to change, search for the title you have on the field that you configured(In my example I called my field "next required question" or search on "Network" if you configured that to be True in ARO)
    I guess you see something like this code below.
    In this example I have changed the operator from "Equals" to "MatchesRegex" and changed Value from "Network" to "Network|Mobile"

    With MatchesRegex you can define multiple values to be true. Use a pipe | between the values.

    Save your file and import it again in SCSM console.
    I restarted the the Cireson cache and did a iisreset just to be sure that the change was implemented immediately.

    <Source Id="dcb8dfed-05da-45aa-a3d7-253caadb8820" Ordinal="8" Prompt="next required question" ReadOnly="false" Optional="false" ControlType="System.SupportingItem.PortalControl.String">
                  <Dependencies />
                    <AddressableOutput OutputName="String" OutputType="string" />
                        <Show When="True">
                          <Condition PropertyId="e608e5e8-674e-4412-b3f5-d57ac1aa9b40" Operator="MatchesRegex" Value="Network|Mobile" />
                  <Target Path="Text8" OutputName="String" />

  • Tom_HendricksTom_Hendricks Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is a great tip, @Stefan_Allansson .  I wish the comments on Feature Requests had the Insightful/Agree/Like buttons like discussions do.
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