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Cireson Analyst Permissions lost

Adrian_MataiszAdrian_Mataisz Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
edited March 2017 in General Discussion

This happened 3rd times already for us:

 Suddenly an Analyst will lose permissions to the portal for a day, next day they sync and permissions are back.

Any ideas why and how to fix without waiting next day?

Edit: It looks like this is happening if changes are made to the account in AD: moved to another OU, changed display name, etc


  • Davin_ClouthierDavin_Clouthier Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    We have ran into the same issue, our current workaround is the user who was moved is still able to use the servername url.  (our nodes are all SRX17003, SRX17004, SRX17005 which point at support domain. The workaround we found is getting the user to use https://srx17003 for a day. 
  • Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2017
    I experienced this in the early days of the portal (v2 and v3) and while I can't conclusively prove it, I had some evidence to suggest that restarting the cache builder too often within a short span of time (i.e. before the cachebuilder could even finish its first rebuild) led to collisions and incorrectly inserted information into the ServiceManagement database. Then again...I suppose the way it could be proved is if you truncate the tables and perform a rebuild as you'd be inserting wholly "new" data into ServiceManagement.*

    As you said/in my experience - waiting a full 24 hours (when cachebuilder would naturally refresh) straightened it out.

    *Just want to-reiterate that this is a guess and a guess alone.
  • Davin_ClouthierDavin_Clouthier Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭

    Thanks for the reply Adam, we don't do much cachebuilder resetting over here, but it might be worthy to note that we have had this data since the earlier portals which we continued to bring through upgrades to the newer portals. Which might be relevant or not

  • Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well that is an equally interesting point there @Davin_Clouthier - before v7 of the portal, the "Install Database" was actually something you should have done during upgrades to the portal so as to update Stored Procedures and more between versions. I believe it was in v6 when Cireson added a GUI warning in the installer if you unchecked this to make note of this very thing.

    In short - you should make sure when installing new versions of the portal, you leave "Install Database" checked off.
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