Cireson Portal Version: 7.1.2012.1. Session timeouts.
We have upgraded the Cireson portal and now the Session timeouts are creating popup messages, the first one with a warning that it will expire and then a second renew session message that forces users to click on it if they want to continue with their session. Initially we noticed that the session would only renew when an update or save was made but after some changes we are now seeing that a query or ticket lookup will renew the session. Also when one of the sessions expires do all the sessions expire for you and when one session is renewed do all the other sessions get renewed?
Curious to see what other people are seeing around this Session Timeout.
Best Answer
Lou_Guardia Customer IT Monkey ✭I think we found the answer. It seems that just using SRM without saving or editing records will keep the session from timing out. Thank you0
Please review this KB - this will give you an overview of the Portal Session Timer settings
Thank you
Thanks for your reply. I have seen this knowledge article. The question I was asking is what triggers the session to not time out. Is it a save to the db through an apply or save action or is it just being in the tool doing queries and searches.
Thank you