Adding a related item (PDF) to a hardware asset
I'm trying to add a PDF file to an existing Hardware asset in the Hardware asset form, related items. I do get the message:
"The number of file attachments exceeded the maximum allowed. Make sure you have no more than 0 files attached"
isn't it possible to attach a file to a Hardware asset? What am I missing? I couldn't find a setting for it. Still using Asset Management, maybe it's implemented in a later version. I'm about to update in 2 weeks.
Best Answer
David_Morris1 Member Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭In the SCSM console go to administration>settings>cireson assest management settings, within these settings is the ability to change the max number of attachments (default 0) and attachment size5
Hi David,
thank you. I completely overlooked the Miscellaneous section in the asset settings, just checked the workflow settings. Configured and everything is fine.