IIS performance tuning -> Web Garden?
We're currently trying to get the Portal faster... We've moved the SQL Instance to a new SQL-Server (in DAG Cluster), which only holds the SCSM-Instance (and no other Instances). In this Instance, there are the databases CiresonAnalytics, ServiceManagement and ServiceManager. This brought as a little performance boost.
I'm now trying to improve the IIS performance. Reading through different articles, someone suggested to use "IIS Web Garden". In the advanced settings of the CiresonPortal application pool, there is the ability to change the value "Maximum Worker Processes" from 1 to "more than one".
Does anyone have changed this setting?
If yes, what was the outcome? Faster Portal or more troubles?
I have only one Portal server at the moment with 500 concurrent connections, with no performance issues.
Only piece I monitor is the memory allocation. Box is currently at 32GB ram.
In either case, this doesn't sound like normal behaviour.
In "My Work", I've clicked on an SR... then it opens the SR... on the right side you can see the loading times...
My sessions take about 4s to load but my more security trimmed staff take 5s due to the SDK permissions check.
Would you be able to elaborate on the type of performance you would expect to have?
We do have a KB article available I am not sure if you are aware of it - https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/1173#/
Talks about some minor performance tuning suggestions.
I do not use web garden due to having sessions enabled. Similar post by someone else https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2151251/asp-net-web-garden-how-many-worker-processes-do-i-need
I have one worker that utilizes 90% of my available ram.
Yes, we've implemented the recommended performance tweaks... During navigation, it is ok, but to load (open) an IR/SR/CR etc... it's taking some time to open the work item...
See the screens below. This was measured with Chrome and Dev-Tools (F12). Network-Tab and "Disable Cache" activated.
My Work:
Active Work:
Open IR:
Open SR:
Do you have similar load times?
I get similar results which are normal based on the fact that you have "Disable Cache" checked. Is there a reason for this?
If I uncheck that box I get much faster load times.
I'll leave it to Merenette to share details of the solution.
Can you access this KB article - https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/1399#/
I would also like you to submit a ticket to support so I can increase the severity of the issue.