Layout of incident.js
How can i change the layout on o customized incident.js
I have added the affected users phone,mobile and company to the form, but how can i place the fields where i want them?
This is how it look now:
But i want it to look like this:
The Incident.js part with this:
<div>"Default":{</div><div> tabList: [</div><div> /*********/</div><div> /** TAB **/</div><div> /*********/</div><div> {</div><div> name: "General",</div><div> content: [</div><div> {</div><div> customFieldGroupList: [</div><div> {</div><div> name: "IncidentInformation",</div><div> rows: [ </div><div> {</div><div> columnFieldList: [</div><div> { DataType: "UserPicker", PropertyDisplayName: "AffectedUser", PropertyName: "RequestedWorkItem" },</div><div> </div><div> { DataType: "UserPicker", PropertyDisplayName: "Anmäld av", PropertyName: "ReportedBy", FilterByAnalyst: false },</div><div> { DataType: "String", PropertyDisplayName: "Alternatecontactmethod", PropertyName: "ContactMethod", ColSpan: 2, MinLength: 0, MaxLength: 256 }</div><div> ],</div><div> },</div><div> {</div><div> columnFieldList: [</div><div> { DataType: "Display", PropertyDisplayName: "Business Phone:", PropertyName: "RequestedWorkItem.BusinessPhone" },</div><div> { DataType: "Display", PropertyDisplayName: "Mobile:", PropertyName: "RequestedWorkItem.Mobile" },</div><div> { DataType: "Display", PropertyDisplayName: "Company:", PropertyName: "RequestedWorkItem.Company" }</div><div> ],</div><div> },</div><br><br>
Tested, but i only get Company shown..
Is it possible to not have a <br> after PropertyDisplayName, it looks like this now:
maybe you can implement this with the "inline" setting like:
{ DataType: "Boolean", PropertyDisplayName: "Escalated", PropertyName: "Escalated", Required: false, Inline: false }
if it is false you have "two lines" if it is true - it should be displayed in one line if i remember right - at least for boolean data type
Unfortunately, it is not supported apparently, "The Inline binding is not supportet by the div element"