We recommend reviewing what is submitted before posting, in case your idea has already been submitted by another community member. If it has been submitted, vote for that existing feature request (by clicking the up arrow) to increase its opportunity of being added to Cireson solutions.
For more information around feature requests in the Cireson Community click here.
Banner hyperlink to saved SR/IR/CR/PR
We've also customized the timeout on the banner so it appears on the screen for 20 seconds (up from 4).
show: function () {
//var message = (document.cookie.match('(^|; )cireson_app_lib_message=([^;]*)') || 0)[2];
try {
//var message = localStorage.getItem("cireson_app_lib_message");
var message = store.session.get("cireson_app_lib_message");
} catch (e) {
if (message && message != "") {
message = JSON.parse(message);
message.text = decodeURIComponent(message.text);
message.type = decodeURIComponent(message.type);
// show message
var container = $('#alertMessagesContainer');
if (!container) {
title: localization.Warning,
message: message.text + "\n\n\n" + "message container is missing, #alertMessagesContainer"
} else {
//remove any old ones
message.text=message.text.replace(/<strong>(SR\d+)<\/strong>/, '<strong><u><a href="/ServiceRequest/Edit/$1">$1</a></u></strong>')
message.text=message.text.replace(/<strong>(IR\d+)<\/strong>/, '<strong><u><a href="/Incident/Edit/$1">$1</a></u></strong>')
message.text=message.text.replace(/<strong>(CR\d+)<\/strong>/, '<strong><u><a href="/ChangeRequest/Edit/$1">$1</a></u></strong>')
message.text=message.text.replace(/<strong>(PR\d+)<\/strong>/, '<strong><u><a href="/Problem/Edit/$1">$1</a></u></strong>')
var box = $('<div>', { 'class': 'alert', html: message.text });
if (message.type) {
box.addClass("alert-" + message.type);
//hide after some time
setTimeout(function () {
}, 20000);
//document.cookie = "cireson_app_lib_message=; path=/";
try {
//var message = localStorage.removeItem("cireson_app_lib_message");
var message = store.session.remove("cireson_app_lib_message");
} catch (e) {
A really useful bit of code there and a very elegant solution!
Could you save that .js file in your custom folder so you wouldn't have to reapply each upgrade?
Yes, Adding this code to Custom.js within the customspace folder will get this result to work and you just have to make sure you backup that folder before doing any upgrades.... just in case.
So I tried putting this file in the CustomSpace folder and no joy. This file with modifications has to stay in it's original location.
Thanks as always for the awesome feedback!
The latest release Portal v7.0 contains this feature request.
You can update to the latest version using your ClickOnce application or download from: http://softwaredownloads.cireson.com/
Please review the release notes here: https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/1351#/
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,