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Service Offering Permissions and Visibility (Verifying my understanding)

NazOsmanNazOsman Member IT Monkey ✭
Greetings and thank you for taking time to respond to me. In my Environment that I am currently designing to roll out soon, I am having a debate about how Cireson handle Service Request Offering visibility and I need assistance in verifying that my thoughts about how Cireson handles them are correct.

1- I have three audiences. Staff/Faculty/Students.
2- I have for example: 1 Service Category named "End-Point Computing"
3- Under End-Point Computing. I have a Service Offering named "Printing"
4- Under Printing. I have two different offerings. One is an Incident Request called "Printer Issues". Another is a Service Request called "Install New Printer".

I was hoping to create one Catalog Group called students and Include "Printing" in it, and exclude "Install New Printer" from it since students shouldn't see that.

However, As far as I understand, Cireson does not manage the offering visibility at the "Request Offering" level. Instead, it manages it from the Service Offering Level (Printing in this example).

SO, what I am doing right now is creating 3 different Service Offering with the words (Students, Staff, or Faculty) in the end of the description. Then, I am creating dynamics groups that will include the correct Service Offering based on the last word in the description string.

This creates a problem because if I have a staff member that happens to be taking classes. He/She will fall under both Staff and Student and they will see duplicate groups.

I hope this makes sense.

Thank you for your answer in advance.

Best Answers

  • NazOsmanNazOsman Member IT Monkey ✭
    Answer ✓
    I have solved this problem by creating what I would probably label as an over kill. But, It did the job just fine, so we are sticking with it. Unless you have a really good process to manage the different groups, I would probably stay away from this solution.

    Creating 7 Groups in Active Directory.
    I wrote a power-shell script that separated all my audiences to groups. Each user can only exist in one of these groups. The groups were labeled as the following:
    1- AllStudentOnly - Group Code: 001
    2- AllStaffOnly - Group Code: 100
    3- AllFacultyOnly - Group Code: 010
    4- AllStudentStaff - Group Code: 101
    5- AllStudentFaculty - Group Code: 011
    6- AllFacultyStaff - Group Code: 110
    7- AllStudentFacultyStaff - Group Code: 111

    I represented each group with a binary code based on the Extension Attribute Values. For example: Users that are ONLY students have SA (Student Active) in Attribute 3, but blank Attribute 1 and 2. So, their code is 001. Likewise, Users are that are Only staff will have Attribute 1 filled with something (FT or PT), but Attribute 2 and 3 blank. So, their code is 100. Users that happen to be BOTH Student and Staff for example, would have value in 1 and 3. So, the group code would be 101.

    Creating 7 Service Offerings - One for each group.
    In SCSM console, created 7 service offerings. All groups are identical except for the end of their description AND the associated offerings of course!. At The very end of the description, I added the group code for that offering.

    Creating Dynamics Groups:
    In SCSM, created 7 Dynamics Catalog Groups that look for the code in the end of the brief description of the Service Offering. In this example, I asked the Dynamic group to include any Offering that has 111 (users that fall under the staff/faculty/student) to its membership.

    Creating Security Groups
    In SCSM, Created 7 End-Users based Roles. I assigned each role its own Service Catalog Dynamic Group and assigned the appropriate group to its users.

    End Result - Quick Example:
    As you can see below: A Faculty/Staff member logged in (To the left) can see both offerings unique to staff members only but can also see faculty offerings but without seeing duplicate categories.


  • NazOsmanNazOsman Member IT Monkey ✭
    Thank you very much for taking the time to read and answer my question. Your answer is very well thought out. I will compare both methods and see which suite my environment best.
  • NazOsmanNazOsman Member IT Monkey ✭
    Answer ✓
    I have solved this problem by creating what I would probably label as an over kill. But, It did the job just fine, so we are sticking with it. Unless you have a really good process to manage the different groups, I would probably stay away from this solution.

    Creating 7 Groups in Active Directory.
    I wrote a power-shell script that separated all my audiences to groups. Each user can only exist in one of these groups. The groups were labeled as the following:
    1- AllStudentOnly - Group Code: 001
    2- AllStaffOnly - Group Code: 100
    3- AllFacultyOnly - Group Code: 010
    4- AllStudentStaff - Group Code: 101
    5- AllStudentFaculty - Group Code: 011
    6- AllFacultyStaff - Group Code: 110
    7- AllStudentFacultyStaff - Group Code: 111

    I represented each group with a binary code based on the Extension Attribute Values. For example: Users that are ONLY students have SA (Student Active) in Attribute 3, but blank Attribute 1 and 2. So, their code is 001. Likewise, Users are that are Only staff will have Attribute 1 filled with something (FT or PT), but Attribute 2 and 3 blank. So, their code is 100. Users that happen to be BOTH Student and Staff for example, would have value in 1 and 3. So, the group code would be 101.

    Creating 7 Service Offerings - One for each group.
    In SCSM console, created 7 service offerings. All groups are identical except for the end of their description AND the associated offerings of course!. At The very end of the description, I added the group code for that offering.

    Creating Dynamics Groups:
    In SCSM, created 7 Dynamics Catalog Groups that look for the code in the end of the brief description of the Service Offering. In this example, I asked the Dynamic group to include any Offering that has 111 (users that fall under the staff/faculty/student) to its membership.

    Creating Security Groups
    In SCSM, Created 7 End-Users based Roles. I assigned each role its own Service Catalog Dynamic Group and assigned the appropriate group to its users.

    End Result - Quick Example:
    As you can see below: A Faculty/Staff member logged in (To the left) can see both offerings unique to staff members only but can also see faculty offerings but without seeing duplicate categories.

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