Performance IE VS Chrome for both SCCM and SCSM Portal
Does anyone else find that Chrome will out perform page load times, login and overall user experience
majority of my users do not have access to install chrome on there local machine, therefor report that both the TCC and Cireson Portals are slow and sluggish
Developer tools
IE home page refresh will take ~13.5 Seconds
Chome Home page refresh will take ~3.5 Seconds
Best Answer
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭The couple times I've had severe IE performance issues (with the SCSM portal) they were resolved instantly by clearing the local cache for that browser. It may sound so basic in terms of a troubleshooting technique, but starting IE in InPrivate on the same profile/computer that was experiencing a perf issue I experienced consistently fast performance (thus leading back to something in the cache). Then actually going the next step of deleting the cache from the day to day, non-InPrivate session, then navigating back to the portal, experienced expected super fast load times just as I did in InPrivate.
If I can, I'll try to get some numbers and post back here.
I recommend against IE every conversation I find myself in. Even putting SCSM/Cireson Portal aside, we would like to have IE completely removed/disabled from our image, but some older web apps are forcing us to keep it for now. Replacing those ancient web apps has risen in priority lately.
Then just perform the standard Client Side Compatibility check against the CiresonPortal webapp and edit the APM configuration files to support browsers besides IE for CSM if you haven't already.
ah so the sales pitch should be blazing fast portal (only if used with any other browser than IE)
Given pages take 3-4 times longer just to load from the web auth page I don't think there is anything we can do to tune this, and at times we find users don't even get the service catalogue category list in IE. I think this is leaning towards Cireson needing to take a look at this overall.
as I said its not just the SCSM Portal it also affects the TCC portal.
also worth noting the out of the box SCSM Gen 1 Portal running on SharePoint 2010 foundation and Silverlight loads fast in IE than Cireson's portal.....
If I can, I'll try to get some numbers and post back here.