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Add Additional Search Type Logic to Portal Searches
An example is creating a search for Incidents assigned to a Support Group.
If the Support Group (Incident Tier Queue list) has child items and you want to create a search that returns all Incidents that are assigned to any member of a parent tier queue, currently, you have to create a filter for each child queue.
The same occurs for Categories if there is a multi tier category list.
A helpful search type for this example would be "Is child of" and "= or is child of"
I'll raise another one feature request that will request searching of Tag's or Notes fields of the RO to allow admins to add additional "Search Terms" to RO's
Also if new sub support group is created we need to modify all search queries used in dashboards to add the new support group. Is there any more word on if this will be added into 6.1 etc?