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Admin Setting - setting group values should present chooser instead of free-text
We had an odd issue where the KnowledgeManagerADGroup value in the settings was updated with a group that didn't exist. First, there was no warning that the value was invalid until the CacheBuilder was restarted. Second, the invalid value caused the cachebuilder to silently fail on startup. It wasn't until we set the logging level to INFO that we were able to determine the issue.
2018-12-04 07:25:00,358, INFO [ 4]: The configured groups are not valid. Please select valid groups and restart the cachebuilder.
I'd like to request that:
1. settings that take a group should have a group chooser or at least validate the group prior to saving
2. the message above that says "Please select valid groups and restart the cachebuilder." and any others of this nature should come out at an ERROR level, not INFO.