Using Orchestrator to automate the results out of Survey APP
I am using Orchestrator to automate the results out of my survey app i can use the get object to get the questions out in JSON format quite easily. However when trying to convert from JSon into a readable out put i'm getting a issue...
Here is a simple JSon from the question of one of my results.
[{"Question":"Are you happy with your resolution?","Answer":5,"Type":"satisfaction","List":[],"Id":"c0ab96b0-bfad-49c1-bc35-7e58c64449c4","Optional":false},{"Question":"How well did the resolution meet your request","Answer":"9","Type":"list","List":["10","9","8","7","6","5","4","3","2","1"],"Id":"7a9a91db-8e6a-42d9-9006-59c1f1137e08","Optional":false},{"Question":"Any Comments","Answer":"TEST","Type":"textarea","List":[],"Id":"c0b490a1-3767-46cb-8594-3b59e6bb2af3","Optional":true}]
I'm using that with the powershell script below.
When i run this powershell in a normal powershell window i get the result i'm looking for Which is "5"
I've figured out that the Highlighted bit below is returning something i would not expect..
I should be getting
@{Question=Are you happy with your resolution?; Answer=5; Type=satisfaction; List=System.Object[]; Id=c0ab96b0-bfad-49c1-bc35-7e58c64449c4; Optional=False},
This is looking like why i cannot automate the results out of the JSON.
Any ideas why? I have checked the powershell version and changed the registry so it is using the latest powershell.