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MultiObjectPicker grid on forms to support more options
The Multi Object Picker we can use on a work item form is fine for many cases, but for larger data sets we need more control.
EG, Computers with a Software Asset installed, a User's Work Items or Assigned Work Items etc can all be very large data sets.
Pagination, default sort order, grouping and even filter would all make this much more workable, and could be controlled in the form json files per picker.
columnFieldList: [ { name: "", type: "multipleObjectPicker", PropertyName: "IsCreatedForUser", ClassId: "F59821E2-0364-ED2C-19E3-752EFBB1ECE9", PropertyToDisplay: { Id: "Id", Title: "Title", "Status.Name": "Status", LastModified: "LastModified" }, ShowAddButton: false, ShowRemoveButton: false, SelectableRow: true, SelectProperty: "Id", PageSize: 20, Sort: "CreatedDate", Groupable: true, Filter: { Field: "Status.Name", Operator: "neq", Value: "Closed" } } ]