How to clear cached user data ?
Hi, I have a user account for which a wrong email address had been configured. I already corrected it in AD, but in the portal, the wrong email address still appears. How should I correct this ?
Best Answer
James_Atance Cireson Support Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
Hey Stephane,
Can you confirm that since you corrected the email addrtess with AD that you have rerun the SCSM AD connector? Once this has been ran you can perform a Cachebuilder Service restart.
Hey Stephane,
Can you confirm that since you corrected the email addrtess with AD that you have rerun the SCSM AD connector? Once this has been ran you can perform a Cachebuilder Service restart.
Thanks for the heads-up, indeed it concerned a user that slipped through the updates of the AD connectors for different OUs.
Thanks James,