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Have Portal Work Correctly in Internet Explorer

Candice_YeudallCandice_Yeudall Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

So I know that Cireson already has it as a know issue that the portal does not work correctly in Edge, but it would be nice if it did work correctly in Internet Explorer 11 as well. Aside from editing/ updates done in the portal not persisting when you use IE vs Chrome the survey app is also awful.

I am not sure how users are supposed to fill out surveys when they look like this.


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    Adrian_PaechAdrian_Paech Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭


    Candice, Regarding your issue with editing / updates done in the portal not persisting. I had a similar issue with AJAX calls when developing the "Update User Details" extension (https://community.cireson.com/discussion/500/how-to-update-user-details-input-screen-for-analysts)

    I could not get the AJAX Post calls working properly "without" disabling AJAX caching globally. With AJAX caching enabled globally (even with AJAX caching disabled on specific calls), user details were only updating intermittently or not at all, however they would update with the development tools enabled. This is known bug in IE, so to get around this I have added code at the top of Custom.js to disable AJAX caching globally. The Cireson guys may have a different trick to get around this.

    It may not fix your issue with IE11 editing etc, but its worth a try..

    Try adding this into your custom.js to give it a go.

    //Disable AJAX Caching.
    // If caching is not disabled globally, there can be problems saving data back to SCSM via AJAX
    // (Potentially just related to IE11)
    $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });

    I have not noticed any issues (or related slowness) with AJAX caching disabled...



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