SCSM Auto Number - IR - Not sequencial
Dear All,
When creating an incident in Cireson or SCSM console the IR number jumps by two everytime.
This happens when creating an incident and one straight after (in sequence).
Any help is appreciated.
Best Answer
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
This behavior is by design for SCSM. The moment you create any New Work Item (regardless whether or not you save it) that number is consumed never to be seen again.
There is an old Travis Wright post about this that's been relocated over here that it explains it in detail -
This behavior is by design for SCSM. The moment you create any New Work Item (regardless whether or not you save it) that number is consumed never to be seen again.
There is an old Travis Wright post about this that's been relocated over here that it explains it in detail -
Thank you, really appreciate the help with this.
Same question from @Carol_Lee here: