Pull down not editable / showing items on incident form
Dear All,
I have an issue where i can see items on the pulldown on the service catalog but not on the incident form? Once an item is selected on the catalog it shows in the incident but you cannot change it? You can edit it on the console though.
Best Answer
Shane_White Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
Can you run this PowerShell command the get the Enumeration of the List and see if it matches the EnumId that you have:
(Get-SCSMEnumeration -Name MaintenanceCategory).Id
You can select an item on the service catalog which then shows on the incident form, but you cannot change it, as when you click on the pull down on the incident form it shows nothing. On the catalog it shows all items. You can change items on an incident on the console though.
Hi @CaterhamITSupport
Have you got anything inside C:\intepub\CiresonPortal\CustomSpace called Incident.js by anychance?
Can you share a screenshot or video of the issue you are having on the Incident Form?
Yes i put an extension item in the incident.js, it pulls the info from the DB ok, however it can be changed in the SC but not on the incident form. When you click on the pulldown it doesnt show any entries, and only shows whats been selected on the SC.
Hi @CaterhamITSupport
Can you show me the entry you have put into the Incident.js form please?
Here is the code example:
{ DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "Maintenance Category", PropertyName: "MaintenanceCategory", EnumId: '9426447c-577c-661c-38ac-99429f03c7ed' },
Can you run this PowerShell command the get the Enumeration of the List and see if it matches the EnumId that you have:
(Get-SCSMEnumeration -Name MaintenanceCategory).Id
You've fixed my issue! Really appreciate the help with this!
Hi @CaterhamITSupport
No worries, was that because you had the wrong EnumId? What solved it?
Yes i had the wrong one.
Really appreciate this help!