Copy Navigation setting from Production to Lab/ Test (vise-versa)
How we can copy Navigation setting from Production to lab or vise-versa?
Or how to backup and re-import Navigation setting?
As we are having so many views and restricted to particular AD groups and it is hard to go one by one and do the changes in other environment to keep both environment same security.
Hi @Ramesh_Mane,
You could try a similar process as described here:
Except in your case you wouldn't be doing Knowledge articles you would do dbo.NavigationNodes, dbo.DisplayString, dbo.Enumerations and dbo.GroupMapping_CI$DomainGroup_NavigationNode
You will need to be careful to avoid duplicates, this is not exactly straight forward, once you have identified the NavNodes that are unique to your Dev environment it will make it easier.
If you are using dashboards you may also need to copy the relevant entries from the dbo.DataSource table.The Nav Nodes reference the ViewPanels and the DisplayStrings, and the ViewPanels will reference the Datasources (In the case of Dashboards)
Let me know if this helps.