Drop-down List size on portal & Text Field Regex Validation
Hi everyone,
We have installed Cireson Analyst portal (Community) for one of our customers for testing. I have couple of questions please.
1- The drop-down list width size on portal is very small compared to the values we have (3-levels values). It's very difficult to view the selected value. Is there a way to increase the list field width size on portal?
2- We have applied the following Regex Input validation for a text field in Request Offering, It got successfully applied on the built-in SCSM portal, but is not getting applied on Cireson portal (knowing that other Regex validations for another text fields on the same RO is getting applied). The Regex purpose is to force the end user to type a Share Folder path in the form of (\\ServerName\<Share Folder>\<Sub Share Folder>)
Thanks in Advance.