Drop down list from Analyst IR/SR portal page
Any way to get a drop down list into the IR or SR analyst view? We have a dropdown list for Location on the all of our offerings but when an analyst enters a new IR or IR using +NEW menu the portal open the regular analyst view when you don't have dropdown for custom fields. Is it possible to implement drop down lists on the analyst view of the ticket?
We would like the dropdown from the end user offering to show up on Analyst view of the IR or SR.
This drop down:
To show up here:
If this is for the first scenario, and the IR/SR classes have been extended, then you can add the dropdown to the IR or SR Analyst form by modifying the Incident.js or ServiceRequest.js files located in inetpub\CiresonPortal\CustomSpace .
Simple list control from the request offering.
If you prefer not to use an enum or relationship class extension, but do have a string class extension, then you could show the textbox in the form like in your screenshot, and then use some javascript in your custom.js file. You would have to add the dropdown UI, specify the locations within the js, and then save the selected Location item to the viewModel within javascript. Doable, but a little bit more complex than a class extension.