Incident backlog trend
Does anybody have a query that shows the trend of open incidents for the last 60 days ? As backlog I consider the total number of incidents that were not in a closed state on any given day.
It is very interesting from a team performance standpoint to know if over time the backlog is decreasing, increasing, or remaining more or les stable.
If something is available out-of-the-box that's even better.
The same would be nice to have for service requests as well.
If you're looking for a graphical representation you could take a look at the code I posted in
Otherwise here's the sql query we use for a line graph for past 3 months of incidents of priority greater than 3.
Today is your lucky day. I created this from borrowed code that I found somewhere... :-)
This is for IRs and SRs, you can split it by removing the "UNION ALL"
There is also a token that I pass to the dashboard that you can remove or change as needed
Nice one @Gerhard_Goossens !