Select users by email
We are currently in the testing phase of Cireson... Granted, we are new to SCSM as well. I was wondering if there was a way to use Email in the user picker? So a Client can type their email in a field, it will query AD and display the results? I am not seeing an email option in the Query Results Criteria section. I do apologize if this has been answered.
Best Answer
Tony_Collett Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
While it's not possible directly out of the box, you can create a custom script within AD to copy the email field on a user object to another unused field (like Fax or Pager). When the ADConnector pulls the user in, it will populate the selected field with the email, which will allow you to display it to the user in a Query Picker
While it's not possible directly out of the box, you can create a custom script within AD to copy the email field on a user object to another unused field (like Fax or Pager). When the ADConnector pulls the user in, it will populate the selected field with the email, which will allow you to display it to the user in a Query Picker
Thank you for this response. I brought this up to my systems admin, and he was not too keen on the idea of duplicating data. So, after some research he was able to make a management pack and run book to pull in more data to query. Aside from a few bugs, it seems to work. Thank you again!