Special assets
I'd like to know how do you track special assets in SCSM.
I mean objects like SSL and bought personal certificates, internet domains, Azure subscriptions, etc.
They have costs but cannot be put any of existing asset types (hardware, software, license, consumable).
Did you extend any of existing classes (which?) or authored brand new class containing attributes relevant for given asset and your organization? Or don't you track such assets at all?
Thank you for all real life experiences and theoretical suggestions, too 😉
Well, I'll call out two and how I've gone about them:
For anything Azure related, I used the Azure Management Pack for SCOM to perform my discovery and lookup. This was an easy way to retrieve Resources Groups, hosted SQL, their associated tags, etc. Bring the same MP into SCSM and then those configuration items float their way over. But once you have these, things can go a few ways from here:
When it comes to Certificate management, I've been a fan of the following free SCOM Management Pack for cert expiration monitoring. While its core Alerting purpose works as intended, its secondary purpose as floating Certificates into SCSM is also reallllly awesome.
The SCOM takeaway here is that it's being used more as a delivery vehicle of Configuration Items to SCSM rather than being Alert/Incident in nature (but that part rocks too!). Best of all - with either MP imported, they are simply more classes that you could enable for Global Search, the Platform, and oData to get/update as you see fit through the Platform API.