Trying to Create Dashboard Report for Resolution Category
We are trying to create a dashboard report showing a simple pie chart by resolution category, but we are really having a difficult time joining to a table with plain text for the Resolution Category. We can find the GUID all over the place,. but I'm wondering if anyone has had success getting the plain text for Resolution Category (similarly, with Implementation Result).
Best Answer
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
In this very specific case, the bar to clear is near identical. It's the Incident table and the DisplayStrings table.
select ds.DisplayString as 'Resolution Category', count(ds.DisplayString) as 'Total' from SM_WorkItem_Incident as ir inner join SM_DisplayString as ds on ir.ResolutionCategory = ds.ElementID where ResolutionCategory is not null and ds.LocaleID = 'ENU' group by ds.DisplayString
select ds.DisplayName as 'Resolution Category', count(ds.DisplayName) as 'Total' from IncidentDim as ir inner join DisplayStringDim as ds on ir.ResolutionCategory = ds.ElementName where ResolutionCategory is not null and ds.LanguageCode = 'ENU' group by ds.DisplayName
More times than not though, Analytics is going to be the fastest/easiest option as there are significantly less JOINS required to render queries as the tables are incredibly flat.
Analytics or SCSM DW?
@Adam_Dzyacky - Either. We're just trying to get started. Is one simpler than the other?
In this very specific case, the bar to clear is near identical. It's the Incident table and the DisplayStrings table.
More times than not though, Analytics is going to be the fastest/easiest option as there are significantly less JOINS required to render queries as the tables are incredibly flat.
That's awesome! Thank you!
Looks great!