Cireson Portal - MySQL / MariaDB
Dear All,
Do you know if there is a way to install Cireson Portal with MySQL or MariaDB rather than use Microsoft SQL?
Kind Regards
Best Answer
Simon_Zeinhofer Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
As all the stored procedures and jobs are based on SQL/T-SQL, I guess there is no way you could do that.
I am not familiar with MySQL but as they don't even share the same syntax, this is not possible imo - You would have to rewrite the source code for that.
As all the stored procedures and jobs are based on SQL/T-SQL, I guess there is no way you could do that.
I am not familiar with MySQL but as they don't even share the same syntax, this is not possible imo - You would have to rewrite the source code for that.
Hi Daniel,
I'm curious to the motivation behind your question?
Dear Geoff,
The reason I ask is because of SQL licensing costs and Maria DB offer a community free version.
Kind Regards
Are you not running Service Manager? A SQL license is included in having the system center suite licensed.
It is, but I was just wondering there was any plans to develop on a free version of SQL i.e. Maria DB or SQL Express?