Actions throught Portal API
Hi Guys
Maybe someone here can help me: We are currently implementing a chatbot to our SCSM-Solution which relies on the Portal API. The company that provides that needs to be able to make action log entries to an incident and upload files over it.
So far, I've found out that I probably need to use the this endpoint to add the comment (as we are using for multiple other actions): /api/V3/Projection/Commit . But even though I get a success message, no comment is shown in the incident. Currently im adding this to the original-json:
"AppliesToTroubleTicket": {
"Id": "c139072f-239b-41c9-8af9-49a952213683",
"EnteredBy": "PowerShell",
"IsPrivate": "False",
"Title": "Analyst Comment",
"DisplayName": "c139072f-239b-41c9-8af9-49a952213683",
"Description": "From the Powershell for the example!",
"EnteredDate": "\/Date(1704292981948)\/",
"ActionType": "AnalystComment"
With the upload I'm stuck as well... I've found that blogpost, but it seems that it relies on the fact that the file is already in the cache within inetpub: Does someone know how to get it there throught the API?
Man thanks for the help in advance!
Best Answer
Geoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
Updating this thread after direct conversations.
Comments can be added via Cloud Connector APIs but attachments needed a bespoke solution.
Updating this thread after direct conversations.
Comments can be added via Cloud Connector APIs but attachments needed a bespoke solution.