Restrictions the Search in Portal and Outlook Plugin
Hi Community,
is it possbile to make Restrictions in the Portal Search, as an example filter out some SupportGroups ?
and it this also Possbile for the Oulook Search ?
We onboard our HR Team, make own Permission Groups, Views and Queues, but with the Buildin Search you can bypass these.
Thanks for help
AFAIK the Global Search and also the Work Item search respect queues. So your HR team members should only see the work items, which they are scoped on.
We dont have the global Search Enabled, i mean the "standard" Seach
if i search by "Assigned To" an HR Member, i find all the tickets.
@Robin_Fakler I guess you are globally scoped on all work items? So you find all work items, as intended.
But the HR team will only find the tickets from their queue.
Or do you want analysts, who are not members of the HR team, to not find tickets assigned to the HR team? That's also the case for everyone who is not scoped on the HR tickets. But every analyst who is globally scoped on all work items, can find every work item, no matter if contained in a queue or not.
Non HR Employess find Tickets from HR.
I build an own HR Queue and removed the access from all User Rolles on these Queue.
But the Portal Search find all the tickets.
Are these Non-HR Employees (who find the tickets) scoped on work items or is the security group, which these users are a member of, set up like this?
Nope, they dont have access to the queues
in the other queues the "HR" is filtered out