SQL - Reporting - Is there a way to capture items under a PA?
I am capturing data for our hiring process and we want to know when runbooks run and end ect.
One runbook sits under a PA and I can join tables to see other runbooks but not the one I want.
,s.[UserText2_DDCE6D39_0E80_E3CE_3219_0F163D86BAFD] AS 'User'
,CAST(s.[UserDate1_8210C35D_BC14_9150_E70D_BCA5EAF37E2C] AS DATE) AS 'Expected Date'
,s.[Created] AS Created
,CONVERT(DATETIME, DATEADD(HOUR, -5, [Created]), 100) AS 'Created_minus 5 hours'
,[Id_9A505725_E2F2_447F_271B_9B9F4F0D190C] AS RunbookID
,CONVERT(DATETIME, DATEADD(HOUR, -4, [ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78]), 100) AS 'Actual_End_Runbook_minus 5 hours'
,ra.[ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78] AS Actual_End_Runbook
,DATEDIFF(DAY, s.[UserDate1_8210C35D_BC14_9150_E70D_BCA5EAF37E2C], ra.[ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78]) AS DateDiffuse
,CONVERT(INT, DATEDIFF(DD, s.[UserDate1_8210C35D_BC14_9150_E70D_BCA5EAF37E2C], ra.[ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78])) AS datediff_days
,CONVERT(INT, DATEDIFF(HH, s.[UserDate1_8210C35D_BC14_9150_E70D_BCA5EAF37E2C], ra.[ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78]) % 24) AS datediff_hours
,CONVERT(INT, DATEDIFF(MI, s.[UserDate1_8210C35D_BC14_9150_E70D_BCA5EAF37E2C], ra.[ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78]) % 60) AS datediff_minutes
,DATEDIFF(MI, s.[UserDate1_8210C35D_BC14_9150_E70D_BCA5EAF37E2C], ra.[ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78]) AS DateDiffminutestotal
FROM [CiresonAnalytics].[dbo].[SM_WorkItem_ServiceRequest] s
INNER JOIN dbo.SM_WI_Relationship r ON r.SourceEntityId = s.id
JOIN [ServiceManager].[dbo].[MT_Microsoft$SystemCenter$Orchestrator$RunbookAutomationActivity] ra ON ra.BaseManagedEntityId = r.TargetEntityId
WHERE title LIKE '%Provision IT Services for New User%'
AND ra.RunbookId_21D8C930_42C9_63F5_5770_C67E9FEB1B2E = '9ADB0708-0EFC-43DB-B31B-71DB354216F0'
In this example I can capture a runbook under that guid. But I cannot see the one I need.
Thank you for any help! :)
Best Answer
Geoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
Hi Ryan,
You need to add in a second join to the relationship table to get the ones under that PA. If you have double nested RBAs, you will need to go again etc. Keep iterating until you have enough.Geoff
Hi @Ryan_Kelley,
I think the WorkItem table in the ServiceManagement DB has a column called ParentWI which will be the top level parent, not just the direct parent. Would that help?
That kinda helps but am looking how to get the runbooks under a PA. Would I join that table to itself to try to get all runbooks. Thank you!
Hi Ryan,
In that case you will need to join to a relationship table, like in your SQL above. What is not working there?
That looks to be pulling a bunch of properties of all SRs that have a Runbook Activity with a certain runbook. Are you saying that in some cased the RBA is under a PA and therefore those SRs don't get selected.
You need to do another join to relationship table to dive a level deeper.
Sorry for the delay in response. This dropped off my radar.
There are runbooks under a PA but the query above only finds runbooks outside of a PA.
Looking to see if there is something I am missing or what relationship table I should be using - thanks!
Hi Ryan,
You need to add in a second join to the relationship table to get the ones under that PA. If you have double nested RBAs, you will need to go again etc. Keep iterating until you have enough.
maybe I am overthinking this but:
even with this query I am not getting the runbooks under a PA. I only get runbooks outside of the parallel activities. Sorry for the mess copy and pasting.
WITH RecursiveRunbooks AS (
-- First level activities (non-PA activities including runbook automation)
s.[UserText2_DDCE6D39_0E80_E3CE_3219_0F163D86BAFD] AS 'User',
CAST(s.[UserDate1_8210C35D_BC14_9150_E70D_BCA5EAF37E2C] AS DATE) AS 'Expected Date',
ra.BaseManagedEntityId AS RunbookID,
ra.Title_9691DD10_7211_C835_E3E7_6B38AF8B8104 AS RunbookTitle,
CONVERT(DATETIME, DATEADD(HOUR, -4, ra.[ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78]), 100) AS 'Actual_End_Runbook_minus_5_hours',
ra.[ActualEndDate_A3C4A137_3FF8_39E2_BE65_2D070EEA2E78] AS Actual_End_Runbook,
FROM RecursiveRunbooks
ORDER BY Created DESC, Level ASC;