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Alternate Service Catalog Layout Option based on Service Offering
Is it possible to have an Alternate Service Catalog Layout Option where you only see one big icon for each category (Service Offering). And that icon directs you to all the Request (Request offerings) in that category? User gets confused when there is too many Service Request icons on the front Home page.
It is possible and have seen custom stuff built by our services team as Brett mentions in https://community.cireson.com/discussion/679
Is this a feature request? If so ill convert to an "idea" so the voting options appear.
Hi Joe
Yes, please convert to an "idea" :-)
Note that in the code we are using some Timeouts to wait for specific elements to become available, as we are not modifying any existing code to raise additional events.
Code: (sorry about formatting, it looks great in edit view!)
Alternate version, which uses the icon attached to the service offering:
the ServiceImage64 property is now null for all Service Offering images when using the /ServiceCatalog/GetServiceCatalog API, so all the images just get the broken picture treatment.
I applied the suggested fix and it resolved the issue.