AD groups are not shown
I have AD groups which are in OU Groups-> OU SCSM, in Request Offering I set criteria Object status != Pending Delete, Organization Unit = Default,SCSM,Groups but groups from OU SCSM are not show on the portal. Who know what it can be?
Best Answer
Roman_Nepomniashchii Customer IT Monkey ✭
My AD groups in 2 Organization Unit: Default,Groups and SCSM,Groups I need get groups from both Organization units, how do it? Now I get groups only from OU Default,Groups
Hi Roman,
Try this criteria in the Advanced Search from the top right of the SCSM Console and see what you get.
In Configuration Items are this groups, but in my Request offering when I set creteria this groups not show
My AD groups in 2 Organization Unit: Default,Groups and SCSM,Groups I need get groups from both Organization units, how do it? Now I get groups only from OU Default,Groups