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Service Offerings need keywords!

Right now, if I am searching for Knowledge articles, I can add keywords that help the user find the right document, but no such functionality exists within the Service Offerings. For example.. I have a service offering to "Decommission A Computer", the description of which includes the word decom (intentionally). However if I type deco or decomm in the search bar, it does not find it..I have to specifically type Decom or Decommission. This seems like a huge recipe for lack of use of the portal and End User frustration, which BTW is something I am dealing with.  

I thought perhaps, I could simply press return a few times and add something like below to the description field at least. Not clean, but serviceable. Unfortunately, there is no way to have a new paragraph in the description, it is simply one huge run on description/sentence.

Keywords : Decom; Decomm 

Please fix this! :-)
9 votes

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    Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    With Global Search you can improve your search results by introducing keywords to the Internal Notes field on a Request Offering. This helps you keep a tidy Title or Description on the RO. Then enable the Notes fields on Global Search Settings as a Data point.

    It will require at least v10.2 of the portal so that Request Offerings from search results automatically redirect to their respective form.

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