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How to "Search by Critria" (API) using and extension field

Eric_EvansEric_Evans Member IT Monkey ✭

We can use the generic property "Display Name" in the "System.User.Projection" TypeProjection:

  "Id": "0e1313ab-dc5c-cf9d-d6b0-e2e9835a132a",
  "Criteria": {
    "Base": {
      "Expression": {
        "SimpleExpression": {
          "ValueExpressionLeft": {
            "GenericProperty": "DisplayName"
          "Operator": "Equal",
          "ValueExpressionRight": {
            "Value": "John Doe"

However, as soon as we try to use the extended property "Email" (Gathered from using the Cireson View Builder) it looks like it would be like this:

  "Id": "0e1313ab-dc5c-cf9d-d6b0-e2e9835a132a",
  "Criteria": {
    "Base": {
      "Expression": {
        "SimpleExpression": {
          "ValueExpressionLeft": {
            "GenericProperty": "$Context/Property[Type='CustomSIU_Users_Extensions!ClassExtension_83961915_686c_47a8_93ee_80842f829054']/EmailAddress$"
          "Operator": "Equal",
          "ValueExpressionRight": {
            "Value": "John.Doe@email.com"

Can you please explain to me what I am doing wrong, and what the best way to do this would be?


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    Justin_WorkmanJustin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Eric_Evans - You're using "GenericProperty". You might try "Property". You might also try using the guid of the class rather than the full SCSM path. Something like this:

      "Id": "0e1313ab-dc5c-cf9d-d6b0-e2e9835a132a",
      "Criteria": {
        "Base": {
          "Expression": {
            "SimpleExpression": {
              "ValueExpressionLeft": {
                "Property": "$Context/Property[Type='eca3c52a-f273-5cdc-f165-3eb95a2b26cf']/EmailAddress$"
              "Operator": "Equal",
              "ValueExpressionRight": {
                "Value": "John.Doe@email.com"

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